Monday, September 16, 2013

The Moby Dick Metaphor

So this post is a little bit more simple-minded and probably really obvious for everyone, but it is sometimes the way my mind works. I'm just going to be "thinking out loud" about the comparison between "Moby Dick" and digital culture.

The outline of the novel, "Moby Dick" can be used as a sort of road map to how we can learn about, immerse ourselves in, and master digital culture. We all (or at least I have) started out knowing nothing about digital culture at some point in our lives, just as Ishmael signed on for the whaling voyage. Ishamel says that he will just learn as he goes, and I think that's what we all have to do in this ever-growing and ever-changing digital world. But eventually we have to really take a big step for learning more and diving in to what it really is. In "Moby Dick", this is like the Cetology and Specksnyder chapters. After this, we can get more into recognizing more "whales" especially if we have other people we can observe. Eventually we will have our own presence in the digital world, just as Ishmael was able to take his turn at the mast-head.


  1. I hadn't really thought about how the more technical chapters like Cetology could tie into digital culture. And as a side note, I don't feel like that's an obvious observation at all, but if it is, then I'm glad to be a simpleton and find it out. Thanks for posting!

  2. I really appreciated this post. I have been trying to mull over how Moby Dick and Digital Culture are intertwined as I read, and these were some really great insights that I had not thought of. Thanks for this!

  3. Let it begin! Thanks for the invitation.

  4. Very good insight! Ishmael does have that air of being out of his depth at the beginning. Sort of how I feel when overwhelmed with technology. Thus he latches onto the experienced harpooner/cannibal for guidance...which Makes Professor Burton our very own Queequeg in this metaphor.
