Thursday, September 19, 2013

BYU Tech Expo

I didn't get Professor Burton's e-mail about BYU's Tech Expo (check out the website, if only just to admire the cool parallax scrolling effect till later in the day, so between class and work, I wasn't able to catch much. But, I did swing by for the very end to see the Technology Trends session. It wasn't like one of the more informational sessions like they had earlier in the day that I wish I could have gone to, but it was still very interesting.

In the Technology Trends session, a professor from BYUs IT Department presented us with various videos that showed interesting facts about internet usage and that displayed some cool innovations with technology. While viewing he discussed with us some of the cool things that are happening with technology now, and what effects this has one us (so it was like a mini session of Digital Culture with lots of YouTube videos).

One of the videos that we watched and discussed was this Google Glass trailer.

I think Google Glass is undeniably amazing and fascinating technology. But, could it really be something that is going to catch on? I don't really know much about this technology or what Google is planning, but I would be really curious to hear others opinions about it and the impact they think this kind of technology could have. 


  1. I am personally still pretty creeped out by Glass, but part of that is just my paranoia at who would have access to the information being streamed. I think in the end, technology will go more and more in the direction of wearable devices, but I wonder to what extent that will penetrate society as a whole. Will it be a trend only among the rich? Will there be conscientious objectors who deliberately use antiquated technologies for moral/ethical reasons? Interesting topics all around... Thanks for sharing.

  2. While watching this video, I couldn't help but compare it to every science fiction book, film, TV show, etc. One of the main components of science fiction is the new technology and how it is used, and these ideas are slowly coming to life. But there are always people in those stories who are against the technologies, which goes along with what Greg is saying, about whether or not there will be objectors to this new technology. But it is interesting to see how things are being developed.

  3. The Digital Humanities group at BYU just obtained a pair of Google Glass spectacles and I got to try them out recently. Want to do a project that involves using this amazing new tech? They are all ears ... and eyes.

    1. Think you could convince them to let you bring those into class?

    2. Think you could convince them to let you bring those into class?
